Category Archives: blocky

jars are the worst

3.5″ x5″ watercolor and ink

Seriously. They are. Don’t let them fool you with their “usefulness” and “canning ability. Pure evil.

the day i lost my moustache

A sad day, indeed.

First in the “everything is the worst” series (because, sometimes everything is).

in situ, above my desk:

This is the also first ever print from the used Epson Stylus Photo R2400 that we bought off craigslist about 5 months ago. I’m pleased to report that it works. It is a huge printer and was a bit intimidating, but was incredibly easy to set up and use.

I’m excited to buy some different papers to experiment with. The color tweaking needs a little work (as there appears to be a different shade of dark pinkishness in each photo above, urrrrrgh) but not a bad first effort if I do say so myself.

Illustration Friday: "unbalanced"

This is my first Illustration Friday drawing. woot.

lemonade in glass

watercolor and pen

I said this in my sleep. It was adorable.

how to get a moustache.

how to get a moustache
Original watercolor and ink illustration.

Available in a 5×7 print here.

It’s easy. Just stand under a moustache cloud. During a moustache storm.

how can i show my love to you?

rainbow vomit
Watercolor and ink illustration. Print available.

Full conversation (with Steve):

Me: How can I show my love to you?
Steve: You don’t need to vomit rainbow at me. I know you want to. But there’s no way.