spoiler alert: stomach wins.

I drew this on the way to lunch at the French Laundry in Yountville earlier this year. The lunch was a parental present for passing the CA bar exam. It was an epic meal, but will likely never be repeated. It was, uh, expensive to say the least.

Elysian Fields Farm “sell d’agneau rotie entiere” (ummm…lamb)

Devil’s Gulch Ranch Rabbit Sirloin (with half a tiny kidney and teeny tiny rack)

Every dish was an origin-noted, perfectly prepared morsel of deliciousness.

But, honestly, I think the meal we have a few months earlier at Ubuntu in Napa was more impressive because 1) it was vegetarian and I didn’t miss meat; 2) the techniques and preparations were a bit more innovative than at the FL; and 3) I feel like the FL food was maybe a bit too clinical and perfect.

The well-known, but currently on an you-have-to-ask-for-it basis, “Coffee and Doughnuts” yeah, I nailed it.

The mid-meal garden walk at the FL was a nice touch though.

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