Happy New Year, meat lovers!
We took a much needed break from December 22 until January 2nd, involving much San Francisco-based festiveness, crabs, families, a trip to Dallas, and then New Year’s with friends in a house up in Cloverdale in Sonoma, CA.
And now that we’re back, I’m raring to go, but sadly my body is not cooperating. Too much computer time, poster rolling, and art making in the last few months has left me with washwoman’s wrist, aka, gamer’s thumb, aka tenosynovitis. Basically, big time pain in my wrist, thumb, and index finger of my money-maker hand. I’m on doctor’s orders to rest it (and also eat a lot of ginger, turmeric, and rosemary) so expect a blog lapse for a couple of weeks here. After that, I’ll hopefully be back in fighting form, ready to kick ass in 2012!